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Combatting the Inherited Genes That Comprise a Half-Dome, or Less

By Leslie Marcus From Pacific San Diego Magazine

Male Pattern Baldness is genetic, and men who want to fight it often have to endure painful, timely and expensive procedures. There are a number of different ways to perform hair-replacement surgery, but many can yield unsightly scars and poor results.

“What we’re doing now is game-changing technology,” says board certified plastic surgeon Richard Chaffoo, M.D. “The system is called Neo-Graft.”

The procedure involves harvesting small grafts from the back of the head in a process that prevents the scarring often correlated with archaic hair-transplant techniques. Chaffoo says Neo-Graft eliminates the doll-like appearance of yesteryear’s hair plugs, and that the transplanted hair looks natural.

“In a single session, we are able to transplant up to 3,500 grafts,” he says, “which means you can essentially recreate the entire frontal hairline, the top of the head and the crown area all in one setting.”

One session can take four to eight hours, depending on the number of graphs. The average cost of the procedure is around $16,000.