
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in La Jolla, San Diego, Newport Beach and Beverly Hills

Model for Body Contouring. Dr. Chaffoo in La Jolla

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of your life, it can negatively impact every aspect of it. This is especially true about your body — small areas of excess fat or loose skin and muscle can make you self conscious and wreck your self image. Body contouring procedures here in San Diego — liposuction, tummy tuck and body lift — have helped others and just may help you feel your very best.

Plastic surgery isn’t about looking perfect; it’s about living better. For your body contouring procedure, consider triple board certified La Jolla plastic surgeon Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS, FICS. Dr. Chaffoo is highly experienced with body contouring plastic surgery and will work diligently to achieve an enhanced appearance you can love.



This body contouring procedure can provide a more flattering silhouette by reducing diet and exercise-resistant pockets of fat from the cheeks of the face, chin, neck, chest, upper arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs or ankles.

Tummy Tucks

Thin Waist Tummy Tuck. Dr. Chaffoo in La Jolla

San Diego men and women choose abdominoplasty — one of the top five plastic surgery procedures in the country — to reduce the appearance of a protruding tummy. By tightening the vertical muscles and loose, sagging skin, a smaller waist and a firmer stomach result.


Cellulite, a common condition often mistakenly associated with excess fat, is actually caused by fibrous connective tissue. Cellulaze is a minimally invasive method that disrupts the structure of cellulite for noticeably smoother results.

Body Lift

Swimwear Model. Body Lift. Dr. Chaffoo in La Jolla

Excessive weight is no longer an issue; that’s good. It’s been replaced by excess skin; that’s bad. There’s hope. You don’t have to hide stretched, sagging skin beneath your clothes. You took the first step by losing the weight, now take the next step.

If you’re considering a body contouring procedure, San Diego plastic surgeon Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS, FICS can help. He has an office conveniently located close to you on Genesee Avenue in La Jolla on the Scripps Memorial Hospital Campus at the Ximed Medical Center.  Request your cosmetic complimentary consultation online or call (800) 373-4773 for an appointment with triple board certified plastic surgeon Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS, FICS.

You demand the best from yourself. Dr. Chaffoo demands the best as well — from himself, from his staff and always for you.


CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA as a safe and effective treatment for reducing fat on the abdomen — the areas typically referred to as love handles or muffin tops — and the thighs.