Lower Blepharoplasty

Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in La Jolla, San Diego, Newport Beach and Beverly Hills

Lower Blepharoplasty La Jolla Plastic Surgery & Dermatology

A lower blepharoplasty, also known as a lower eyelid lift, is a procedure that improves the appearance of your eyes by removing excess skin and fat. If age-related changes to your face have left you with noticeable eye bags, a blepharoplasty can help you achieve a brighter, more youthful look.

At La Jolla Plastic Surgery & Dermatology we have decades of experience helping patients enhance their complexions with customizable procedures. Dr. Richard Chaffoo is a triple-board-certified plastic surgeon and Dr. Susan Stuart is well-known for her innovative procedures as part of our award-winning cosmetic dermatology team.

Contact our office or call (800) 373-4773 to learn more about how we can improve the appearance of your eyes.

Before and After Photos

About Lower Blepharoplasty

As you age and your collagen production declines, fine lines and wrinkles can develop beneath your eyes. (1) Collagen is a protein that helps your skin maintain its youthful structure and elasticity. As you age, your facial fat also atrophies (2), and when gravity pulls on your skin, bulges from fatty deposits beneath your eyes can create a puffy, tired appearance.

In 2022, surgeons performed 115,261 eyelid surgeries to help patients fight facial aging and restore their appearance. (3) A lower eyelid lift can help you:

  • Look more alert: Removing bulges of excess fat that pull on your eyes and create under-eye bags can help you look more awake.
  • Achieve smoother skin: Removing fat beneath your eyes can help you eliminate droopy skin that emphasizes shadows on your face.
  • Look more youthful: Removing age-related fat can help you look younger.

Lower Blepharoplasty Benefits

With a lower blepharoplasty, patients can enjoy:

  • More youthful-looking eyes
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Well-hidden incisions
  • A fast procedure
  • Quick resumption of normal routine

Lower Blepharoplasty Candidates

The best candidates for a lower blepharoplasty are self-conscious about their appearance and have noticed signs of facial aging, particularly around the eyes. If you have droopy pockets of excess fat beneath your eyes, a lower blepharoplasty can brighten your complexion and help you improve your self-esteem. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and take good care of your skin, you are likely a good candidate for the procedure.


During your consultation, Dr. Chaffoo will ask about your expectations and goals to determine the best treatment plan for your needs. You will receive a plan that is unique to your skin type, aesthetic preferences, and medical history. If you have sagging skin above and beneath your eyes, he may recommend a quad eyelid lift. A quad eyelid lift is a combination of an upper blepharoplasty and a lower blepharoplasty. During a quad eyelid lift, Dr. Chaffoo will make a delicate incision along the crease of the upper eyelid to remove excess skin and improve your field of vision. Combining an upper and lower blepharoplasty helps you achieve your aesthetic goals in one appointment.

How to Prepare for a Lower Blepharoplasty

To prepare for a lower eyelid lift, you must:

  • Stop smoking for 6 weeks before your procedure.
  • Schedule 1-2 weeks off work for your recovery.
  • Stop drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after your procedure.
  • Cease blood thinning medication 1-2 weeks before.
  • Prepare your meals ahead of time for a comfortable recovery.
  • Arrange for someone you trust to drive you home after your procedure.

For your procedure, you will need to arrive with a clean face. Do not wear any facial products or makeup. You will also need to wear comfortable clothing.

Lower Blepharoplasty Procedure

Lower Blepharoplasty La Jolla Plastic Surgery & Dermatology

Dr. Chaffoo will mark your eyes before your eyelid surgery begins. We will provide either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia for your comfort. Dr. Chaffoo will make a discrete incision inside the lower eyelid to remove excess fat or reposition the fat pads to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Occasionally, he will make the incision on the outside of the eyelid just beneath the waterline. If you have excess skin that you would like to remove as well, we can customize your procedure to remove it. Each lower blepharoplasty is customizable for your needs, and we can adjust the procedure based on your aesthetic goals.

Recovery & Results

After a lower eyelid lift, you will need to rest for 2 weeks and follow up with our office after 5-7 days. You can return to your exercise routine and resume working after approximately 2 weeks. During your recovery, you will need to take good care of your skin and care for your incisions properly. Wearing SPF and following an effective skincare routine will be key to maintaining your long-lasting results.

Corresponding Procedures

A lower blepharoplasty is a customizable procedure that we can combine with other treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.


Eyelid lifts are frequently combined with facelifts for comprehensive rejuvenating effects. A facelift is a procedure that tightens your skin to remove wrinkles and droopiness (ptosis) from aging. During a facelift, Dr. Chaffoo will make an incision partially along your hairline and just in front of your ears to remove excess skin. He can manipulate the deeper tissues in the face known as the SMAS layer; the superficial musculoaponeurotic system is a layer of connective tissue beneath your cheekbones that is responsible for the underlying structure of the face. The incisions are strategically placed to help you hide them easily. If you notice changes to the mid-face, our team can improve your appearance with a mini facelift. A mini facelift is best for patients who are starting to notice the first signs of facial aging.

Neck Lift

A neck lift is a procedure that eliminates sagging skin on the neck, colloquially known as “turkey neck”, to improve signs of aging. If you experience weight changes that stretch your skin or droopiness from lack of collagen, we can restore the contour of your neck with a lift. This procedure is also common for individuals who are experiencing muscle banding, a thickening of the neck muscles with age that changes the structure of your neck and causes lines to develop. During the procedure, we will make a thin, well-hidden incision along your lower hairline to reposition your skin. We can also make an incision beneath the chin (submental incision) depending on the amount of excess skin you would like to remove. If you have excess fat on the neck, we can also remove it with liposuction for a more defined look.

Brow Lift

A brow lift reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead for a younger-looking complexion. During the procedure, Dr. Chaffoo will make a discrete incision or several tiny incisions along your hairline to remove excess skin and reposition it to improve the appearance of wrinkles. The incision is discrete and easily hidden for a natural look.

The Cost of a Lower Blepharoplasty in La Jolla

The cost of a lower blepharoplasty depends on your aesthetic goals, the condition of your skin, and the extent of your procedure. We can provide an all-inclusive quote after your consultation if you need corresponding treatments to achieve your goals.

Contact our office or call (800) 373-4773 to learn more about how we can brighten and restore your complexion and help you achieve a more youthful look.


Is a lower eyelid lift safe?

Yes, a lower blepharoplasty is a safe, well-tolerated treatment for restoring the appearance of your eyes.

Is a lower eyelid lift permanent?

Although a lower blepharoplasty is long-lasting, you may experience additional changes to the appearance of your skin with age.

When can I resume my skincare routine and wear makeup after a lower eyelid lift?

You can resume your skincare routine and wear makeup after your eyes heal in 2-3 weeks. We will provide instructions after your procedure to help you look your best.

What are the risks associated with a lower eyelid lift?

Your risk factors depend on your medical history. If you have a condition that affects your ability to heal such as a bleeding disorder, this procedure will likely not be a good fit for you. We will discuss your medical history during your consultation to create the best treatment plan for your needs.

How long will the results of a lower eyelid lift last?

If you take good care of your skin, the results of a lower blepharoplasty can last for several years. However, genetics and lifestyle factors such as sun exposure will also determine how quickly your skin ages.

Will I have scars from a lower eyelid lift?

After a lower blepharoplasty, you will not have visible scars. Your surgeon will make discrete incisions inside the lower eyelid to remove excess tissue.


  1. Murri M, Hamill E, Hauck M, Marx D. An Update on Lower Lid Blepharoplasty. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2017;31(01):046-050. doi:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1598632
  2. Sundelin T, Lekander M, Kecklund G, Van Someren EJW, Olsson A, Axelsson J. Cues of Fatigue: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Facial Appearance. Sleep. 2013;36(9):1355-1360. doi:https://doi.org/10.5665/sleep.2964
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Procedural Statistics Data Insights Partners: 2022 ASPS Procedural Statistics Release.; 2023. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/News/Statistics/2022/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2022.pdf